A plate compactor works by using force from a plate to remove air and make a solid mass of the material you are working with. A plate compactor has a plate that vibrates at a high frequency, pushing at the ground and moving the compactor forward. Your job is to guide the compactor as it works, allowing you to move across sections of the ground to compact the material you are working on.
A plate compactor is typically used on construction, road or landscaping projects. A plate compactor can be used in both commercial and residential projects and is usually used when you are working on a surface area that’s too big for hand tamping but too small for a roller. A plate compactor is faster and easier than working by hand, and helps you to achieve a more solid and uniform finish.
Plate compactors are very useful where you want to achieve an even surface, especially if you plan to build or develop on top of the area you are working with. A plate compactor can be used to smooth a driveway, even out and prepare a lawn before planting, prepare a small or hard to reach area of road surface, or prepare ground for paving, pathways or building where it is important that the land has fully settled and doesn’t move in the future.

Plate compactors come in different sizes and shapes, and vary depending on the material you’re working with or the size or area that you want to compact.
You can find the right plate compactor for the job by asking an expert. They will ask you what kind of ground material you’re working with. Plate compactors are best suited to material combinations like soil and sand, bitumen and road base, and gravel and stone.
Plate compactors come with different plate sizes. If you’re working on a larger area you may want to choose a larger plate size. Larger plate sizes are also more effective for dealing with more granular materials.
Plate compactors also come in different weights as the weight impacts the machine’s ability to compact the material you’re working with. The higher the weight the more suitable it is to work with ground materials that are harder to compact.
Would you like to hire a plate compactor? The Allways Hire team are based in Hawke’s Bay and can help you choose the right equipment for your job. Call us today on 06 872 6774 and talk to an expert.
Depending on the material you are compacting, it may be necessary to add a small amount of water to form a bond. For finer materials you can test for optimum moisture levels by picking up a small handful and squeezing it. Properly moistened material will hold together in a solid clump. When working with gravel you may want to use a small amount of water to keep dust levels down but be careful not to overwet your materials.

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