The Master Water Cart 2000L Trailer is a purpose built water cart trailer featuring a high flow water pump for dust suppression jobs, squirting down machinery or other water needs.
Features a a 20m hose reel and wash down nozzle and an adjustable dust suppression nozzle for.
Optional with a 3500 psi water blaster with a 30m water blaster hose, 20m wash down hose and dust suppression nozzles. Find out more about the Master Water Cart - Trailer - 2000L with water blaster.
The dust suppression nozzle can be used to quickly attend to road maintenance patches or small yards being prepared for sealing.
This unit can be self-filled with a pump from a creek or river, fire hydrant, or with a garden hose.
It can be towed behind a ute or small commercial vehicle.
Available for hire from the both the branches in Hastings and Napier. Enquire now.